Catalogue HandlesAccessoriesLightingTapsTiles STiles MetròFurniture Category Doors handlesWindow handlesEscutcheonKeyKnobPullDrawer pullCup pullBail pullFinialBossIcebox handleTowel-railToilet roll holderSoap dish & DispenserBathroom accessoriesShower curtainRobe hookConsolleKitchen accessoriesAccessoriesShelfWall lightChandelierLanternOutdoor wall lightTable lampLampshadesFloor lampCelling lightAccessories and spare partsGlass lampBasin tapsBidet tapsShower tapsBath tapsShower/Bathtub KitComponents/AccessoriesKitchen tapsSpare partsPattern tiles designGlaze coloursShapesSpecial BaseBoard and cornerSquare Dot InsertComposizioneBorder - corner - edgeSerie MetroSeating Collection Calda & FreddaIndustriale Room BathroomKitchen Installation BasinBathBidetCeilingDeck mountedFreestandingRim mountShowerWall MountedWall recessed Finishes Silver - ALChrome - CLChrome (C/F) - CLChrome (Ind) - CLBrushed nickel (Ind) - NSShiny Black - NELVAged nickel - NIAged nickel (C/F) - NIAged nickel (Ind) - NINickel - NLNickel (C/F) - NLNickel (ind) - NLBrushed nickel - NSBrushed nickel (C/F) - NSAged Brass - OBAged brass (C/F) - OBAged brass (Ind) - OBLacquered Gold - OLVLacquered Gold (C/F)Unlacquered Brass - ONUnlacquered Brass (C/F) - ONUnlacquered Brass (Ind) - ONLaquered Brass - OVScavo (C/F) - SCScavo (Ind) -SC Material Cast ironAluminumBrassCeramicCopperCrystalGlassHornIronLeatherMarblePlexiglassPorcelainTeakWood Colour BlackBlueBrownDark brownGreenGreyLight blueOrangePinkPurpleRedWhiteYellow